Chore wheel - My First Gym

We have provided you with this Chore Wheel to help you and your family get back into routine this year. Follow the instructions below:

  1. Print and cut round the lines of this wheel 
  2. Print a cut round the lines of these circles
  3. Write your family’s name on the rectangle ‘i.e. Smith Family’
  4. Write your kids names in each section on the smallest circle (note: If you have 2 or less kids, include mum and dad!)
  5. Write the common chores in each section on the middle-sized circle (i.e. ‘dry and put away dishes’ or ‘wash laundry’). These will be your chores that you have to do everyday that week.
  6. Write the chores you want to be done in each section on the big circle (i.e. sweep floors, put away toys, etc.) Or if you would prefer, print this pre-made one!
  7. Stack all cutouts on top of each other (biggest circle at the back, small rectangle at the front) like this
  8. Once you’ve completed all these. Grab a spilt pin and pierce the middle of all the items. Turn the circles over and fold back the arms

Voila! Now you can spin your chore wheel each week. Click here to see an example of the chore wheel!

We hope you find this useful!